Why should you eat breakfast?
You might take several meals in a day. But, breakfast is the most important meal for good reasons. Therefore, having a nutritious breakfast is essential to kickstart your day. On the other hand, skipping breakfast can bring a lot of disadvantages to your body and mind. Below are the benefits of having breakfast:
1. Provides Energy
The body derives its energy from glucose. Your body stores energy in the form of fat and little amount of glycogen. During overnight fasting, the body breaks down glycogen to glucose and keeps the blood sugar level intact. When we wake up, our body needs energy. Eating breakfast gives energy and restores glycogen levels helping your body to perform at its peak.
2. Makes Your Heart Healthy
Your body is insulin sensitive in the morning. Hence, it utilizes the blood sugars most efficiently. A good breakfast filled with fiber carbs lowers your cholesterol and improves your heart health.
3. Decreases Diabetes Risk
Today, diabetes is on the rise throughout the world. So, we must be aware to prevent it. Several studies have recently found that skipping breakfast might increase the risk of type-2 diabetes. So, having breakfast is a must as it decreases the diabetes risk. But, be aware that your breakfast meal doesn’t contain excessive amounts of sugar, starch or fat.
4. Reduces Brain Fog
Like the body, the brain needs fuel to function well. Breakfast supplies essential nutrients to your brain and keeps it alert, awake and focused. Without breakfast, the brain starts declining in mental functioning and shows poor performance. Studies have proved that children and Adolescents who eat breakfast perform better academically than those who skip breakfast.
5. Controls Your Weight
Having breakfast helps to manage weight. If you eat breakfast regularly, you are less likely to be obese. Breakfast helps to control appetite by preventing large fluctuations in the glucose levels in the blood l. In addition, it fuels your tank before you get hungry. As a result, you do not take whatever you get in your way.
However, skipping breakfast has many disadvantages. Therefore, keep reminding yourself of the benefits of having breakfast. Most importantly, have a balanced and nutritious diet on the morning plate.